Changes in Galera 3.34 (2021-07-26) Codership is pleased to announce the release of Galera Replication library 3.34, implementing wsrep API version 25. The library is available as targeted packages and package repositories for a number of Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, RHEL and SLES. Obtaining packages using a package repository removes the need to download individual files and facilitates the deployment and upgrade of Galera nodes. This and future releases will be available from The latest version of Galera for FreeBSD will be available in the FreeBSD Ports Collection. Notable changes and fixes in Galera since latest release 3.33. - IST failure handling was improved to allow resuming IST after process restart. - A new status variable wsrep_apply_waits was introduced to count the number of times an applier thread had to wait for its turn to apply a write set. - An issue of having incorrect certification results right after SST was fixed. - Occasional excessive GCache CPU consumption during IST was fixed. - GCS flow control now allows write set replication more reliably when the node is in Donor state. - Gcache recovery reliability was improved. Build fixes: - CRC32C detection was improved to work correctly with GCC 4.8. - CK_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLER was restored in Debian build scripts to reduce unit test timeouts during builds (codership/galera#558). End of life notices: - Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) has reached the end of the regular maintenance period. Therefore we plan to discontinue providing Galera packages for Ubuntu 16.04 after this release. - Due to little usage pattern we plan to discontinue building Galera 3 packages for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 after this release. The users still running above discontinued platforms are adviced to use the binary tarball package. Known Issues: - In order to install Galera package on CentOS 8 or RHEL 8, MySQL and MariaDB modules need to be disabled first with `dnf -y module disable mysql mariadb`.